This will be a three day session (worth 24 RACE Credits) reaching out to all of our DVM veterinary friends (students welcome!) to help build confidence and assertiveness in recognizing oral pathology, identifying ways to relay disease and wellness care to the families that come see us, and maximizing your surgical extraction skills and efficiency (all while minimizing complications and those dreaded swear words that can accompany extractions). There will be lecture, there will be lab (lots of it), there will be practice, there will be mistakes, and there will be success. The old adage “it’s like pulling teeth” of frustration and pain is not by accident… this stuff is HARD! But, there are techniques and support and fun and satisfaction in the whole process and we are here to share that with you.

What to expect:

  • Three days of engaged, intimate, personalized learning
  • A tooth fairy team that is there for you… there will be no shaming, no condescension… only folks who love to share what they do and your peace of mind is our success.
  • An work space that is ready to go at your speed and comfort (aka no sharing of equipment… well, ok, you will have to share the x-ray units but everything else will be right there for you!).
  • Skills you can expect to learn (feline and canine):
    • Regional anesthesia
    • Confidence in finding and diagnosing dental concerns
    • Interpretation of dental radiographs
    • Mucoperiosteal flap design and preparation
    • Surgical extractions
    • Tension release and flap closure
  • YOUR OWN PACK OF DENTAL INSTRUMENTS TO TAKE HOME. This is the same equipment we use… all the instruments you need heads home with you (so take care of it!).
  • Lunches and snacks provided. No one gets to be “Hangry!”
  • We will leave at 5 pm. We think half the stress of our jobs is not being able to leave our jobs… it lingers, we linger, life waits… so, we will get going, maximize our day, and we will walk out at 5 pm so everyone can go play, rest, be with family, or take a walk among the paths of Lino Lakes.

What to tell your practice owner/bosses/people with the pocket book:

  • This will change your practice. Dentistry is a topic that makes up so much of our daily challenge, yet we often feel entirely unprepared. To perform great oral care no doubt takes time, and as practice owners, it can be hard to be patient while the learning curve is happening (whether it is for ourselves or our associates). Dentistry is hard… we are here to help! We provide practical, hands-on, engaging opportunities to help provide peace of mind in your practice… whether that be to be able to offer more care to our patients in need, to be able to streamline the patients you are already seeing, to be better prepared with the skills to handle the kind of care that is necessary, and in many cases, just bring the confidence that thoughtful, kind, careful, efficient dental care is possible.
  • This is expensive. We know. These labs are dang expensive to put on! Oye. But let’s just do a simple equation: increase your dental compliance by one patient a week with your more confident, more contented associate by just one patient a week (remembering this is medically appropriate, soul satisfying work that our patients would beg for if only they knew how) and you can see how quickly your investment is returned… now factor in that they found that pulp exposure that was hiding, and they finally can take out that dang fourth premolar that is so challenging, and they can explain to the family why it is actually good news that you need to remove 15 painful teeth in your little yorkie friend and you are going to need a bigger dental suite!
  • We really are here to showcase what you can do in general practice and while referral can sometimes be the best choice for the patient or your own practice health, we want to have an army of clinicians who feel well prepared and versed in veterinary dentistry… again, for patient health, for mental health (as who doesn’t feel stressed with some of these extractions), and for practice health.
  • LASTLY: Please know, we understand that life is complicated out there. As a small business, cancellations/change of dates are difficult to accommodate. We always do our best but as you know in your practices, to cancel a registration means not only do we not get to see you, but also lose the revenue that helps keep our center open as it can be difficult to replace a registration on short notice (and in the end, we lose 2x the revenue). However, we can easily transfer your registration to another DVM or DVM student! We appreciate you doing your best to ensure this date/time works for you or helping our mission by transferring to another DVM if necessary.


Current cost of $3200 for the 3 day session includes individual lab stations/equipment, printed notes, a full surgical pack to take home (be prepared to have to check your bag if you are flying), and all breakfast/lunch/snacks/deliciousness.

If all registration sessions are full, please know we tend to open up additional dates about 4-6 months ahead of time. If you have a group of 8 or more, please reach out as we may be able to accommodate additional sessions depending on the group needs. Email via the contact form is a great way to get ahold of us. Please know, we are full time clinicians as well so email responses may be delayed in this case load. Feel free to nudge us if you need a little extra support.

April 2025

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Past Events

3 Day Events

  • August 7-9
  • May 15-17, 2024
  • Feb 7-9, 2023
  • Nov 15-17, 2023
  • Sept 13-15, 2023
  • August 16-18, 2023
  • July 12-14, 2023
  • April 12-14, 2023
  • March 22-24, 2023
  • Februrary 22-24, 2023
  • January 18-20, 2023
  • November 09-11, 2022
  • October 19-21, 2022
  • August 17-19, 2022
  • July 20-22, 2022
  • May 18-20, 2022
  • April 20-22, 2022
  • February 23-25th, 2022
  • August 18th-20th, 2021
  • July 7th-9th, 2021
  • April 14th-16th, 2021
  • Feb 17th-19th, 2021
  • January 22-24th, 2020
  • February 19-21st, 2020
  • April 15-17th, 2020
  • July 15-17th, 2020
  • August 19-21st, 2020
  • October 14-16th, 2020
  • December 9-11th, 2020

1 Day Events

  • Dec 13, 2019
  • March 19, 2020
  • May 14, 2020
  • June 25, 2020